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Available Animals: Products

Available Animals

We have an impressive fold of Registered Highland Cattle. You can find any of our available cattle below. All of our cattle will come with vet health checks.

A 25% deposit is required to hold any Highlands.

We also have a herd of Nigerian Dwarf goats that we have been working on for years and are very proud of. Our does and buck always throw some flashy kids! Most with blue eyes.

These kids come dewormed and with their CDT vaccinations administered.​ 

Not registered. Not polled or disbudded.

We have feeder piglets for sale year round. Pure Berkshire, Berkshire x Duroc cross and Berkshire x Hereford cross.

Bauer Farms Black Onyx


AHCA Registered Heifer #68635

Carpenter Farm Tullia 52464 x LCF Laird Finley 59315

This little black beauty is really growing out nicely. Besides her great looks and conformation, she has nice genetics from both sides.

Her sire has LEA lines and her dam has excellent, old Scottish lines from the Benmore fold.

Don't miss out on this one!


SOLD - $6,500

Berkshire & Duroc Feeders



We have feeder piglets available year round. We breed pure Berkshire, Duroc x Berk cross and Berk x Hereford cross.

Please message us for availability or for information on future liters. 


Our Duroc sows are registered with the National Swine Registry and are sired by Bank Roll (Bank Roll is the super popular $50,000 top selling Duroc boar at the 2022 National SWTC in Belton, TX.)

Bauer Farms Diesel

SOLD - $3,000

AHCA Dun Highland Bull Calf 

Stonehouse Scarlett 60033  x LCF Laird Finley 59315

Diesel is a handsome, dun calf that already checks all of the boxes. He is stout, square in the back end and carries great lineage. His dam is a beautiful brindle that is on her way to becoming an impact dam. Diesel brings the sought after dun color to the table, being able to throw a variety of colors with his future offspring. He will make a great future fold sire.  AHCA reg pending.

DOB: 3/1/2024 - Weaning Sept 2024




Unregistered Red Highland Bull Calf (can steer)

Major is a sweet bull calf that is ready for his new home in July. He will be steered unless requested otherwise. We get a ton of inquiries looking for Highland steers and here he is!

DOB: 2/4/2024 - Weaning July 2024

Bauer Farms Elegance

PENDING -$6,000

Bauer Farms Elegance

AHCA Registered Heifer #69299

Stonehouse Fancy 60957 x LCF Laird Finley 59315

This little red heifer is filling out nicely and keeps getting deeper mahogany as she grows (just like her mama!) Full of hair and sweetness. Her dam is line bred from her original farm and it has worked, she is a stout, well built cow that is level in her hip, nice utters and feet. She has the most amazing frosting. Her sire, LCF Laird Finley has excellent lineage.




Yellow Highland Steer​


A really nice yellow calf that we steered due to being unregistered. He would make a great addition to your fold as a companion animal or an addition to your beef program. 

​DOB: 8/13/2024 


Bauer Farms Pendleton


AHCA Yellow Highland Steer​

Willow Tree Willow 57563 x LCF Laird Finley 59315

Priced low due to slight crop ear (completely cosmetic). This yellow bull is already a show stopper. He has a blocky head and short snout, that we all look for and love. His dam is a beautiful deep red cow with a larger frame and wide set horns. His sire is our dun bull that has a great temperament, strong topline and great lineage behind him.  This breeding duo always makes great offspring and Pendleton is no exception. AHCA reg pending. 

DOB: 3/24/2024 - Weaning Sept 2024


Nigerian Dwarf Kids

Doelings - $150-$175   |   Bucklings $50-175

ND Kids.jpg

We have Nigerian Dwarf kids available year round.

Our sire is a tricolor (mostly white) buck with blue eyes. All of our nannies are flash tricolor with blue eyes as well. 


Kids come dewormed and up to date on their CDT vaccines.

Bauer Farms Cashmere

SOLD - $11,000 at the 2025 NWSS

AHCA Dun Heifer​

 LCF Laird Finley 59,315 x TLD Sprinkles 46,717

Bauer Farms Cashmere is a stunning young heifer that has just begun her show career and carries a ton of potential in and out of the ring. She is structurally correct, feminine and level in her hip. She is extremely calm in her disposition and took to the halter like a champ. Her sire is a direct grandson to LEA Becket, who sired Finley Falls Duncan (10x Grand Champion Bull and 2x NWSS Grand Champion Bull). Her dam also carries impressive names in her genetics like the influential bull Black Watch Emmett and many time Grand Champion Bull Gilchrist’s Joc 

DOB: 3/12/2024


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